Tuesday, April 28, 2009

You've got to be effing kidding me.

In "downtown" Bethesda, a DC suburb with a collective yuppie stick up its ass (and home to one of my favorite restaurants, Sasso), the purchase price of a "downtown" condo is LITERALLY ON PAR WITH MANHATTAN PRICES. So is the dearth of parking in that area.

Holy crap, people.

Be-thbthtbhtbhtbhtbhtb-esda does not equal Manhattan no matter how you rearrange the equation. Would you rather live in chain store yuppie central, where life stops promptly at 8 PM on weeknights and by 11 on weekends, where a ticket to the opera is $40 for the cheap seats, or in the middle of life itself, where you can get a good slice of pizza at 4 AM and the cheap seats to the opera w/ live orchestra are $17 (they are; check the family circle at the Metropolitan Opera)?

Dear readers, I take Manhattan! To drink and live in.

Bethesda: http://www.thechaseatbethesda.com/pricing.asp

Manhattan: http://realestate.nytimes.com/sales/detail/185-1711871/new-york-ny-usa/1-beds/200000-700000-price/PRICE-HIGH-sort/40-p/44-1408440--1501-0003EM--44-1529694--297-0016308--46-1044429--185-1711871--185-1629716--185-1698583--88-350990--46-1035272-ls/2535-t

I'm not looking to buy, especially not something at that price; I'm simply illustrating a point. Very vividly, I think...

Someone keeps cranking up the resistance...

Seriously. I'm on a treadmill, and as I adjust to each setting, someone cranks it up even higher. I had the WORST problem set EVER that was due today, and I had to give a 10 minute presentation on light scattering as it was used in a scientific article today. Before 9 AM.

And I was told - after the fact, of course - that my topic wasn't so great. I ran the topic and the article by the prof weeks ago. I can't go into the math and craziness in 10 minutes, AND teach everyone light scattering, AND explain the article, AND talk about how light scattering works in the article. WTF. Grad school is such bullshit.

It's been ~90 F for the last few days which has been really nasty because the apartment is on the top floor of the building with 3 large windows with southern exposure. The inside temp hasn't fallen below 85 F, even at night. We haven't been cooking much, which makes me kind of sad.

In other news, I'll be going up to NY to celebrate my grandma's 80th birthday in the form of a BBQ this weekend. I am looking forward to that. I also just rocked a sushi buffet for lunch, a small celebration because I finished my HW and that stupid presentation today. Now I want a nap. I will not get one, though. Instead, I'm going to make myself more plates so I can do more experiments this week. Yay. Then - to the gym with me!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Things I want but probably don't really need.

It's sunny today! Really honest-to-goodness sunny. This is nice, seeing as it's been miserable, rainy, and in the 40's the last few days. Actually, the fact that it was in the 40's was good, because it made me want soup, which resulted in a spicy coconut curry veggie soup that rescued 3 beets, the remainder of the chicken soup from my seder, 7/8ths of a completely wrinkly, dehydrated, small head of cabbage, and quite possibly my body from a veggie-less hell of my own making. I am midway through a gargantuan Passover recipe compilation on the other blog. Lord help me finish it. The soup will follow.

Anyway, with the sunshine came my annual hopefulness that THIS is the year I will find The Summer Dress. What is The Summer Dress (henceforth to be known as TSD)? TSD is that elusive item of clothing that I can vamp up with heels, dress down in flats, put a cardigan over, wear under a trenchcoat, and is in a nice print. This should be easy given the fact that stores are pretty much giving clothes away. It isn't.

I keep thinking, "Oh, hey, maybe I'll find a light white cottony thing" (because it is my secret wish to wear one with a huge straw hat and crazy shoes to a garden party) and every time I try on something it looks like absolute hell on my body. You'd think this wouldn't happen, seeing as I'm used to myself in white; fencing uniforms are white jackets, protective white knickers, and white knee socks. Truth be told, I'm not even sure most of the time what body parts are throwing off the fit! It's the most frustrating thing ever.

I put the dress on, squint at myself, take off my socks, squint again, start at the bottom, decide it's too short, wonder how my butt can look so spectacularly hydraulic in a pencil skirt and look so sad, huge, and awful in this dress, how my boobs somehow look nonexistant because the straps place the bust too low on my chest, why did they cut the waist in the wrong place, and Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ on rollerskates, how can this all look so bad simultaneously??!?!?! Then I get back into my underwear, and while the view isn't perfect, it's what I remembered my body looking like from before I tried the offending garment on.

Then I contemplate nudity as a lifestyle.

I tried to go to Macy's the other day in a bid for Estee Lauder mascara (my mom got some in a gift, gave it to me, and now, damn it all, I can't tolerate drugstore mascara - but that's mainly because they don't stock Max Factor in stupid fucking MARYLAND), and to cruise the spring dresses, but the mall was closed for Easter Sunday. This is what I get for moving from NY where there are enough Jews to have things open on Christian holidays and enough Christians to run the show when the Jews are out. Damn the south. Damn the dresses. And damn not having mascara.

I ended up at DSW, and found 2 pairs of sandals (both in size 11!!) for ~$20 each on clearance. Maybe this weekend will look up in my bid for mascara and springtime versatility.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


That is the sound of me decompressing.

Thursday night drained me hardcore. I'm planning on a huge Passover seder post for the other blog (the food one), but I haven't been able to think about it yet without recurring feelings of panic. Instead, I spent this weekend being all low-key and shizz...

Saturday involved a nice 2-hr workout fencing and a very lovely afternoon at the local pub sitting in a dark booth and shooting the shit. We always end up dropping SO MUCH effing money there, but the food is really good and the drink is, too. I edited stuff for my adviser that night and got to bed early for a Saturday. Today, I went trolling for bargains at DSW, and found some very cool sandals in a size 11 (US) for an acceptable amount of money (~$20) which never happens.

Part of me is very sad that I don't work in a profession that allows me to exercise my full appreciation for beautiful shoes in a variety of heel heights and designs. Science labwork tends to make flats absolutely necessary because you're on your feet the whole day. 3 inch heels? No thanks, but I'll stare longingly after them as they're taken away. (I saw beautiful snake print wedges, where the wedge was carved into this beautiful sculptural design so it wasn't clunky at all, but they were at least 4 inches high. Very very beautiful, dramatic, etc.... and totally impractical. Sigh.)

Then we went to our friends' house for an Easter celebration. TONS of food and wine, pleasant company, and it suddenly dawned on me why intercultural relationships might be discouraged. You end up celebrating everyone's holidays, so you eat like a total pig twice as many days and you doom yourself to getting madd crazy fat.

Yeah. That's my deep thought for today. I drowned the rest of them in the wonderful Diana's sangria.

Ugh. Monday is tomorrow.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Candidacy: Seder

Another fine mess, indeed.  

Somehow I am in the position of hosting a seder at Danny's and my apartment for his whole family.  I also have an exam that promises to be no picnic at 8 AM.  

I am actually less worried about the exam than I am about the seder.  They are a judgmental lot.  I'm no slouch in the kitchen department, but holy fuck, people.  THE PRESSURE.  It's like candidacy again, just this time in holiday planning.  Fucking fuckers who fuck.  Thus far I've resisted the urge to throw up (which has passed over me periodically during the last 2-3 days).

I have a menu and a game plan (which includes finding kosher for Passover vodka to medicate myself), but this is really not cool.  I can't sleeeeeeeep.  Ugh.  Which bodes ill for this exam.  Hopefully I'll tire myself out in the next, oh I don't know, 15 minutes?


Monday, April 6, 2009


This is a typical exchange between Danny and myself on the wisdom of piles. He lost a very important recipe I need for Thursday (imminent death by having his relations over for Passover; I am so fucked, and by fucked I mean I will be judged and villified) because HE REMOVED IT FROM A PILE.

: ok
still have to find that recipe that I misplaced
12:53 PM will do tonight
me: you stinky stinker
Danny: yeah, I know
I confess
it's somewhere
me: next time, you have to leave the piles.
embrace the piles
Danny: yeah yeah
me: accept the piles
Danny: I will not eat the piles
me: welcoem the piles into your life
Danny: no!
no piles!
me: the piles are your friends
build them
nurture them
Danny:: your hypnosis isn't working on me
12:54 PM me: and then you'll never lose papers ever again
Danny: I'm immune
me: why?
because they'll always be somewhere in the piles!
it's sheer brilliance.
Danny: yeah, and they'll always be somewhere not in piles
and easier to find to boot!
so there
me: that's bc you MOVED it
out of the pile
Danny: yeah, whatever
me: and now you can't find it.
Danny: I put it in a very logical and organized place
me: and now we're all going to DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Danny: I just don't recall the logic
12:55 PM me: clearly. so logical and organized even you can't find it.
Danny: yup
I outsmarted myself
me: very logical
Danny: I do that a lot
me: how brilliant
Danny: I know
me: this iswhy you have a phd
Danny: yup
me: to lose my shizzz
Danny:: lol
I get it
I'll find it tonight
me: which would otherwise be found. naturally. in a pile.
Danny: lol it certainly narrows it down
12:56 PM me: that it does
Danny: where is X?
in a pile, of course
me: and there are 3 main piles
Danny: which pile, and where in that pile, are whole other questions
clothes, desk, and misc
me: my fencing/shoe pile, my desk pile, or my clothes pile.
Danny: haha
I nailed it
what about your car pile?
12:57 PM the pile in your car?
you forgot that one
me: my car doesn't HAVE A PILE.
Danny: not yet
but it will
just wait
anyway, while you're building your car pile, I'm gonna go find something else to eat
I'll call you later, k?
12:58 PM me: you are so full of CRAP
Danny: lol
yeah yeah... you know its true
me: do not refer to my nonexistant car pile until it exists.
it's nearly beena year
and guess what?
so thbbtthbthtbhtbthtbhtb
Danny: eew
now my gchat is covered in spit
you deserve it.
Danny: I'm gonna wipe off my screen and go find something to eat
me: loser